Mt Pleasant United Methodist Church
Mt Pleasant United Methodist Church
Sharing and celebrating our faith as we grow in God together
Sharing and celebrating our faith as we grow in God together

Founded in 1851, Mt Pleasant United Methodist Church began with 24 Charter members whose family names include, but are not limited to, Stanton, Graves, Hinton, Burge and Parker. A fire destroyed the church in 1861 and it was rebuilt after the Civil War, at the corner of Hwy 278 and County Road 229, closer to the “hub” of activity where there was a general store and stagecoach shop that still stands near "Hub Junction". The area is commonly called the “Brick Store Community".
Mt. Pleasant has been a vital part of the community for over 173 years. We have deep roots with a refreshing and new outlook toward the future of our community.
Mission and Service to our community is our passion. We serve by feeding the hungry, teaching the children, visiting the lonely, assisting struggling families and supporting ministries in our area who are dedicated to ending homelessness and poverty.
You'll find wholeness, wellness, healing and forgiveness here. God has a plan for Mt. Pleasant. Come and be a part of it!

Our pastor, the Rev. Leah Cunningham, welcomes you with the love of the Lord.
I am blessed to serve and worship at Mt Pleasant UMC since Sept. 2013. I have a passion for joyful worship and a heart for prayer and for the Word of God. God is always creating a "new thing" here at
Mt. Pleasant while we celebrate a rich history
in this community.
Come worship and serve with us!
Where We Are
Where We Are
We are located in Newton County at the corner of
Hwy 278 and County. Rd. 229.
Sunday Worship: 11:00 am -Nursery/Toddler care Provided
Bible Study: 6:00 pm Wednesdays
Family Supper Night:
3rd Wednesdays: 6:00
Kindness Club: toddlers through elementary
Thursdays 10 am - 12 pm.